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HOPA Publications Committee

Bonnie Labdi, PharmD RPh, Chair

Ashley Glode, PharmD BCOP, Vice Chair

George Carro, RPh MS BCOP, Board Liaison

Jayde Bednarik, PharmD BCOP

Megan Bodge, PharmD

Megan Brafford, PharmD BCOP

Christine Gegeckas, RPh BCOP

Lindsay Hladnik, PharmD BCOP

Lisa Lohr, PharmD BSPharm BCOP BCPS

Katie Long, PharmD

David Reeves, PharmD BCOP

Lisa Savage, PharmD BCOP BCPS

Alexandra Shillingburg, PharmD

Candice Wenzell, PharmD BCOP

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Board Update

Michael J. Vozniak, PharmD BCOP, HOPA President

HOPA had a busy and productive summer! In July, HOPA hosted its 4th Annual Industry Relations Council (IRC) Summit. Representatives from thirteen of the 15 IRC participants joined us in Chicago. HOPA provided an update on the organization, and board members led focused discussions on clinical pathways, oral chemotherapy, and patient advocacy. The summit was very informative and provided the board of directors with good insight to help move HOPA forward in the ever-evolving healthcare environment.

One of the most active and visible HOPA member benefits is the HOPA Listserv. The HOPA Listserv is a great forum for getting answers to practice questions and learning from others. However, the current Listserv has some limitations. The board reviewed and discussed alternative platforms that will provide a better member experience and more functionality and has decided to replace the Listserv with a product from Higher Logic. A few of the benefits of the Higher Logic product include

    · a more comprehensive community experience
    · resource libraries where members can post documents to share
    · additional options for discussion delivery methods
    · adaptive design, which allows users to fully interact on smart phones and tablets
    · space for electronic advertising and association-related news.

Higher Logic’s functionality is broader than a Listserv’s. HOPA will assess how to best utilize the product for our members and work on the design and implementation in the months to come.

In other HOPA news, the Standards Committee has released the HOPA Investigational Drug Services Best Practice Standards document and will develop follow-up webinars to inform target audiences about these guidelines in the fall. In addition, the Standards Committee helped appoint a work group to review, comment on, and consider endorsing the U.S. Pharmacopeial (USP) Convention, General Chapter <800> Hazardous Drugs—Handling in Healthcare Settings Guideline. Ryan Forrey, Richard Cleveland, and Susan Spivey served on the work group and provided detailed comments that were sub- mitted to USP in July. The comments also have been posted on the HOPA website for member review.

The 2nd Annual HOPA Oncology Pharmacy Practice Management Program was held September 19–20 in Chicago. In addition to extending the program to 2 days, there was a preconference workshop, “Oncology Residency and Preceptor Program Development,” offered. We also are excited about HOPA’s upcoming 11th Annual Conference, which is being held March 25–28, 2015, in Austin, TX. Both programs offer great educational content, networking opportunities, and the chance to engage with pharmaceutical industry representatives in the exhibitor halls.

HOPA’s Health Policy Committee has been actively monitoring the Provider Status initiative and will soon reach out to the HOPA membership to solicit support. In addition, the Health Policy Committee traveled to Washington, DC, in September with our health policy consultants from the District Policy Group. The committee and our consultants met with members of Congress to seek their support for H.R. 4190 and recognize pharmacists as providers under Medicare Part B. Please stay tuned for opportunities to support H.R. 4190.

HOPA has created and appointed a new Recognition Committee. The committee will be led by Stephanie Sutphin, chair, and David DeRemer, vice chair. The committee is responsible for directing our HOPA membership awards program, which was the task of the former Nominations and Awards Committee. The committee will be charged with developing processes and procedures for a new HOPA Fellows Program. The goal is to recognize the first class of fellows at the 2016 Annual Conference.

As HOPA celebrates its 10th anniversary, it is an opportune time to reflect on the association’s progress over the years and to envision HOPA’s future. HOPA has enjoyed tremendous growth in our membership, engagement, and participation in both advocacy and the pharmacy profession in recent years. We continue to provide quality continuing education programs that have expanded in content and variety. HOPA’s growth and maturation is a result of the association fulfilling its goals and objectives outlined in the strategic plan revolving around the four goal areas: professional development, research, advocacy, and hematology/oncology pharmacy practice standards. HOPA’s strategic plan was created in 2010 and was revised in November 2012. As HOPA looks toward its future, the board of directors has decided to formally review and update the strategic plan in early 2015. This will allow the association to reflect on changes in our environment, assess our progress on our goals, and set or revise goals that work toward our envisioned future when all individuals affected by cancer have a hematology/oncology pharmacist as an integral member of their care team.
