BCOP Education
Frequently Asked Questions

HOPA provides opportunities for pharmacists to earn continuing education credit toward recertification of their Board Certified in Oncology Pharmacy (BCOP) credential by offering unique programs each year.

Board of Pharmacy Specialties

The Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS), provides the certification process for the BCOP, which certifies specialists in oncology pharmacy and includes an initial certification exam. BPS requires recertification, either by exam or through continuing pharmacy education. For more information about the certification process, please visit the BPS website at Pharmacists do not have to be HOPA members to attain BaCOP certification.

Maintaining BCOP Certification through Continuing Pharmacy Education

A Board Certified pharmacist must earn 100 BCOP recertification credits every seven (7) years to maintain their BCOP specialist certification. Beginning in 2020, HOPA will offer 60+ BCOP credit hours that can be applied toward recertification.
For BCOP recertification credits BCOP-certified pharmacists who complete HOPA's BCOP education and pass the post-test with a score of 75% or greater will be awarded credit hours toward their certification and pass the BCOP post-test will receive that program's credits towards their recertification.

I was certified in oncology pharmacy. What is the recertification process?

Once an individual passes the certification examination, the length of certification is 7 years. For recertification, specialists may elect to take an examination or earn 100 credits through continuing pharmacy education.


How many hours can I earn toward BCOP recertification by completing HOPA BCOP education?

Beginning in 2020, HOPA will provide 60+ BCOP credit hours annually through on-demand and live education.


Can I earn ACPE credit if I am earning recertification credit?

Yes, all of HOPA's BCOP education offers ACPE credit. To earn ACPE credit, you should also claim credit by checking the ACPE credit claim box next to the BCOP credit claim box after you've completed the evaluation for your chosen product. Check both boxes to ensure that you receive both BCOP and ACPE credit. HOPA is an accrediting provider of ACPE credit.


If I don't pass the post-test, can I retake it?

No, each test may be taken only once. Please note as part of HOPA's review process qualified BCOP reviewers evaluate all BCOP tests for performance. This review looks at not only overall test performance but individual question performance, participant feedback and how well the questions were worded and answerable from the materials provided. Should you have any concerns or questions about the BCOP post-tests, please email your concerns to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Can I login and print the test before filling out my answers?

No. Completing the education in HOPA Learn requires that you move systematically through the education. HOPA Learn will allow you to "bookmark" your spot in a test or the education and return to that spot at a later time. You will also be able to move back and forth through the different parts of the education without risking being "timed out" of a test or having answers submitted without you being ready to submit the answers. All tests will require you to hit a submit button before they will be graded.


When is the deadline to submit the test?

Because BCOP education is released at different times throughout the year, each product will have a different expiration date. Starting in 2020, BCOP credit will be available for 12 months following the release date. These release and expiration dates will be clearly stated on the HOPA site and in HOPA Learn. You will receive notifications as deadlines are approaching to help ensure you complete things on time.


When will my credits show up on my BPS account?

HOPA is now auto reporting BCOP credits to BPS. To ensure that your credits are reported, please be sure to update your BPS ID and Credential Number in your HOPA account.


How do I access my NABP number?

To access your NABP e-Profile ID number, please contact the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy.


How do I access my BPS ID number?

To access your BPS ID number, please contact the Board of Pharmacy Specialties.
