Call for Abstracts

Call for Poster Abstracts – HOPA Annual Conference 2023

HOPA’s 19th Annual Conference | March 29 – April 1, 2023 | Phoenix, AZ

HOPA invites you to submit your research abstracts to present in the following topics at our 19th Annual Conference.

Completed Research

Late Breaking Research

Trainee Research

Initial Abstract Submissions windows:

Please note the following submission dates:

  • Call for Completed and Encore Research: open August 1-October 10, 2022

  • Call for Late Breaking Research: EXTENDED! Now open November 1-December 11, 2022

  • Call for Trainee Research: open November 14, 2022-January 8, 2023

Dates for ACCEPTED abstracts*:

*These dates are only for authors who have already submitted an abstract during the above deadlines, and have been notified by HOPA that their abstract has been accepted.

  • Deadline to submit Trainee e-posters for Trainee Award consideration: February 15, 2023

  • Deadline to submit all other accepted files (non-award): March 19, 2023

  • HOPA Annual Conference: March 29 – April 1, 2023 | Phoenix, AZ

Abstracts submitted after deadline will not be considered.

HOPA will use the information provided in conference materials so please ensure that author names, credentials, and titles, are written accurately. Degrees and certifications provided will only be included in published material. Selected completed research abstracts will be published in the Journal of Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy (JHOP), HOPA's official peer-reviewed forum for oncology pharmacy practice.

Final posters for selected research abstracts are required to be submitted prior to the Annual Conference for viewing of attendees. The deadline for ePosters is set typically four to six weeks prior to the Annual Conference. Should an institution have restrictions on the use of data in an online forum, please contact HOPA Education, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further instructions.

Click to expand the following instructions and disclaimers for submitting research abstract materials.


Responsibility for Expenses

Avoidance of Commercialism

Abstract Embargo Policy

Guidelines for accepted posters can be found here.

View Full Submission Criteria Details

Research that has been studied, tested, and has results and conclusions available for presentation.

Incomplete at the deadline, but now is able to be presented with results and conclusions.

A student, resident, or fellow, must be the primary author of the abstract being submitted.
