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Benign Hematology for the Oncology Pharmacist

Alexis Kuhn, PharmD BCOP
Pediatric Oncology Pharmacist—Ambulatory Services
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN

Most people think of hematology as malignant hematology. This penchant for malignant hematology is reflected in the oncology pharmacy residency standards and the Board Certified Oncology Pharmacist (BCOP) content outline.1,2 Despite this, hematology/oncology pharmacists are often called upon to care for benign hematology patients in clinical practice. The goal of this review is to familiarize hematology/oncology pharmacists with fundamental benign hematology concepts that can be employed during care for this population.

Meet the Players

“Normal” adult hemoglobin (HbA) consists of two α- and two β-globin subunits (α2β2). Fetal hemoglobin (HbF) consists of two α- and two γ-globin subunits (α2γ2) and has greater oxygen-binding affinity than HbA. HbF production nadirs in the postnatal period.3

Hematopoietic progenitors differentiate into either myeloid lineage (neutrophils and other granulocytes) or lymphoid lineage (T and B cells). Both elements are crucial for immune function.4

Platelets are vital for hemostasis. GPIbα on the platelet surface binds to endothelial-bound von Willebrand factor (vWF) to initiate platelet adhesion.5,6

Meet the Disorders

Hemostatic disorders
Von Willebrand disease (VWD) is the most common inherited bleeding disorder. In addition to its role in platelet adhesion, vWF also stabilizes circulating factor VIII (FVIII). Types 1 and 3 VWD are quantitative disorders of vWF, and Type 2 is a qualitative disorder.6,7 Hemophilia is an X-linked disorder that arises from absent or diminished production of FVIII (hemophilia A) or factor IX (FIX; hemophilia B). Hemophilia severity is defined by baseline factor activity level: severe (<1%), moderate (1%–5%), or mild (5%–40%).8 Severe disease is characterized by spontaneous and potentially life-threatening bleeds. Neutralizing antibodies produced in response to exogenous factors, known as inhibitors, afflict ~30% of patients with severe hemophilia A and ~3%–5% of patients with hemophilia B.9

Thalassemias are quantitative disorders of hemoglobin, resulting from diminished production of either α- or β-globin. They can be categorized by affected gene, major/intermedia/minor designation, and transfusion-dependent/independent status. Transfusions often begin at a young age, making potentially fatal siderosis a lifelong concern.10

Sickle cell disease arises from a point mutation in the β-globin gene. Mutant hemoglobin (HbS, α2βS2) polymerizes when deoxygenated, which results in the characteristic sickled shape of affected erythrocytes.11 Clinical sequelae include pain crises, acute chest syndrome, and stroke. In general, patients with HbSS and HbSβ0 thalassemia tend to have more severe clinical phenotypes than patients with other heterozygous genotypes (i.e., HbSC, HbSβ+ thalassemia).11

Cytopenias result from either inherent marrow failure or immune destruction. Bone marrow failure syndromes can be inherited or acquired, and they result in either single- (e.g., severe congenital neutropenia) or multi-lineage loss (e.g., aplastic anemia).12 Common immune cytopenias include immune thrombocytopenia (ITP), autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA), and Evans syndrome (typically coincident ITP + AIHA). Characterization of the causative antibody is particularly useful in AIHA, where thermoreactivity directs treatment approach.13,14

Meet the Drugs

Treatment of hemostatic disorders
Possible treatment options for VWD include desmopressin and vWF concentrates. Desmopressin increases vWF and FVIII, also making it useful for treating mild or moderate hemophilia A.7

The treatment of choice for severe hemophilia has traditionally been prophylaxis with clotting factor concentrates.8 Major differentiating features between concentrates include factor (FVIII, FIX, vWF, etc.), source (plasma-derived vs. recombinant), and presence of modifications. Concerns of viral transmission have plagued the plasma-derived concentrates, but modern manufacturing practices minimize the risk of transmission.15 Recombinant factors carry no risk for viral transmission, but conflicting reports suggest that certain recombinant factors may have a higher risk of inhibitor development than plasma-derived factors containing vWF.16 Extended half-life (EHL) factors employ various modifications (e.g., pegylation, albumin fusion) to reduce the frequency of infusion. EHL FIX products have achieved a 4–6 times half-life extension in contrast to the 1.5–2 times extension of the EHL FVIII products.17

Emicizumab is a monoclonal antibody approved for hemophilia A. By binding FIXa and FX, emicizumab mimics the activity of FVIII, making it a therapeutic option for patients with and without inhibitors as evidenced in the HAVEN trials.18-21 Unlike the intravenous clotting factor concentrates, emicizumab is a subcutaneous injection that can be given one to four times per month.21,22 Other therapeutic options for patients with inhibitors include bypassing agents (FEIBA and rFVIIa) and immune tolerance induction.9,23

Treatment of hemoglobinopathies
Iron chelators are paramount in managing chronic transfusion therapy associated with hemoglobinopathies. Deferoxamine is given as daily subcutaneous infusions, or, less commonly, as intermittent high-dose intravenous infusions.24 Deferasirox and deferiprone are enteral options, but deferiprone carries a risk for agranulocytosis. Combination chelation can be deployed for refractory cases.25,26

Therapeutic options for sickle cell disease have expanded in recent years. Hydroxyurea has been used for several decades; it induces HbF production and reduces the frequency of pain crises, acute chest syndrome, and transfusions.27,28 The first approved novel agent, L-glutamine, works by maintaining reduction and oxidation balance. L-glutamine was shown to reduce pain crises compared to placebo (three vs. four episodes per year, p = .005) in a phase 3 trial.29 Crizanlizumab is an intravenous P-selectin inhibitor that interrupts adhesion of cells to the vascular endothelium. In the SUSTAIN trial, high-dose crizanlizumab was shown to reduce pain crises compared to placebo (1.6 vs. 3 episodes per year, p = .01).30 Voxelotor is an oral agent that inhibits HbS polymerization. In the HOPE trial, voxelotor increased hemoglobin >1 g/dL from baseline in 51% participants.31 Studies of voxelotor, crizanlizumab, and L-glutamine included patients with and without concomitant hydroxyurea; however, there is currently no standard for how to sequence these agents in clinical practice.32

Treatment of cytopenias
Inappropriate immune system activity can be dampened by various approaches: corticosteroids, intravenous immunoglobin, rituximab, and other immunosuppressants.13,14 Warm AIHA is typically more responsive to immunosuppressants than cold AIHA.14 Immunosuppression with equine antithymocyte globulin plus cyclosporine, with or without eltrombopag, is the standard of care for transplant-ineligible patients with severe aplastic anemia.33,34 Eltrombopag is a thrombopoietin (TPO) receptor agonist thought to have hematopoietic stem cell-stimulatory effects and is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for refractory aplastic anemia; larger trials are under way to confirm early positive results in front-line therapy.34,35 In addition to its activity in aplastic anemia, eltrombopag is used to treat chronic ITP, as is the parenteral TPO agonist, romiplostim.36 Caplacizumab is an anti-vWF antibody with activity in acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura. 37,38


  1. Required competency areas, goals, and objectives for postgraduate year two (PGY2) oncology pharmacy residencies. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists website. Accessed May 13, 2020.
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