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symptomatic management with antipyretics and analgesics.8 A             nevertheless the absence of randomized data warrants judicious
full infectious workup, including blood cultures and appropriate        use of dexamethasone. The IL-6 receptor antagonist tocilizumab
imaging, followed by prompt initiation of empiric antibiotics is        (Actemra®) is rarely needed for blinatumomab-related CRS, in con-
recommended, especially in the setting of concurrent neutropenia        trast to CRS following CAR T cells (as discussed below). However, a
due to limited ability to separate CRS from infection. Grade 2          case of steroid-refractory blinatumomab-related CRS complicated
CRS is characterized by symptoms requiring moderate intensity           by macrophage activation syndrome that was responsive to
interventions, including hypotension requiring fluid resuscitation      tocilizumab has been reported.12 Grade 4 CRS is characterized by
or one low-dose pressor, hypoxia requiring the addition of up to        life-threatening symptoms or ventilator-dependent respiratory
40% oxygen, or the presence of a specific grade 2 organ toxicity.       failure, for which permanent discontinuation of blinatumomab
Patients with grade 3 CRS require more than one pressor or high         is recommended along with the aforementioned supportive care
titration of a single pressor (i.e., > 20 mcg/kg/min norepinephrine)    strategies.1
for hypotension and must have an oxygen requirement of > 40%
or a specific grade 3 organ toxicity. Blinatumomab has a short half         CRS is a common and clinically significant AE following CAR
life of approximately 2 hours, which grants tight control of drug       T cells, with a variable onset following infusion and a reported
levels throughout the treatment course. In the setting of grade 3       all-grades incidence as high as 100% in ALL.13, 14 Despite increases
CRS, the infusion should be discontinued and may be restarted at        in numerous cytokines, the key mediator of CRS following CAR T
9 mcg/day once symptoms resolve.1 Dexamethasone is crucial in           cells appears to be IL-6, an acute-phase reactant producing both
attenuating the excessive inflammatory cascade during blinatum-         anti- and pro-inflammatory effects, dependent on the level and
omab-related CRS, yet the optimal regimen remains to be deter-          signaling pathway involved. IL-6 is normally produced in response
mined. One published recommendation includes a tapered regimen          to infection, trauma, or immunological challenge, and contributes
of dexamethasone 24 mg IV divided every 8 hours on day 1, 16 mg         to a clinical syndrome mirroring sepsis.8 C-reactive protein (CRP)
divided every 12 hours on day 2, followed by 8 mg daily on days 3       and ferritin frequently are measured following CAR T-cell infusions
and 4, but the rapidity of the taper depends on the patient’s clinical  and are associated with CRS.15 CRP originates from the liver as
status.9 Because blinatumomab relies on T-cell activation for           an acute phase reactant and can be used as a surrogate marker
efficacy, there is a theoretical concern that dexamethasone might       for IL-6, given IL-6 monitoring can be a challenge with limited
impair efficacy. Low doses of dexamethasone suppress cytokine           assay availability and slow turnaround time.16 Significant ferritin
release without impairing in vitro cytotoxic effect,10 and receipt of   elevations (sometimes > 300,000 ng/m), may occur in the setting
dexamethasone did not impair outcomes in a large phase 2 study11;       of CRS, mimicking hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis with
                                                                        associated hepatosplenomegaly and hypofibrinogenemia.


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