Page 6 - Volume13_Issue3
P. 6


Advice for Staying Up to Date with the Literature

                     Morgan Belling, PharmD      these journals’ websites and specify which      HOPA Central feature discussions about
                     PGY-2 Oncology Pharmacy     alerts you’d like to receive (for example,      issues in clinical practice, such as strategies
                     Resident                    with the New England Journal of Medicine,       for mediating drug shortages and use of
                     WVU Medicine                you can sign up for specialty updates in        biosimilars among different institutions.
                     Morgantown, WV              Hematology/Oncology and Infectious              There are different communities on the
                                                 Disease).                                       HOPA Central website you can join to be
                     Brandi Anders, PharmD                                                       involved in more focused discussions.
                     BCOP                            Another good website to receive             HOPA Central also has a direct link to
                     Hematology/Oncology         updates from is Clinical Care Options (sign     HOPA News, which offers a wealth of
                     Clinical Pharmacist         up for oncology-related news at www.            important practice-related information.
                     Wake Forest Baptist Health From solid tumor to       It’s a good idea to join listservs from
                     Winston-Salem, NC           hematological malignancies to supportive        organizations that focus on specialties
                                                 care, this resource provides a nice overview    that you’re particularly interested in. For
Perhaps one of the most important skills         of a variety of topics in oncology. Addi-       example, the American Society for Blood
you learn during residency is how to             tionally, PracticeUpdate Oncology (www.         and Marrow Transplantation features a
effectively teach yourself. This is especially highlights          pharmacy listserv similar to that of HOPA:
important when you consider how rapidly          news from several journals, with links to       pharmacists can submit questions and
the field of hematology/oncology phar-           these highlighted trials. This website also     request feedback from members of several
macy changes, with new drugs constantly                                                          different institutions, share ideas, and
being approved by the U.S. Food and Drug           “A good place to start is                     discuss prominent issues.
Administration, novel classes of agents             to ask your preceptors
being evaluated in the drug development              and mentors how they                            With all of the information currently
pipeline, and the results of clinical trials                                                     available and constant changes in the
being published. Knowing the data, learn-             continually educate                        hematology/oncology pharmacy world,
ing how to interpret that information, and                 themselves.”                          keeping on top of the most important con-
applying it to your patient population are                                                       cepts can seem overwhelming. That’s why
essential skills of the clinical pharmacist.     has useful webinars and interviews with         it’s essential to have a good system for sav-
                                                 leading practitioners who offer insight         ing and organizing this information so that
    So what advice would two young prac-         into results from recent clinical trials and    you can refer back to it. We recommend
titioners offer to students and residents        potential implications for clinical practice.   creating folders broadly based on different
pursuing a career in hematology/oncology                                                         disease states to keep yourself organized.
pharmacy that would help them stay up                If you are looking for a valuable           For example, have a file for “hematological
to date on the literature? A good place to       resource for hematology and bone marrow         malignancies”, then separate that into
start is to ask your preceptors and mentors      transplantation, sign up for e-mail alerts      subfolders for acute myeloid leukemia,
how they continually educate themselves.         from Blood, which has a great series of         acute lymphoid leukemia, chronic myeloid
These seasoned practitioners have devised        review articles—“How I Treat”—that are          leukemia, chronic lymphoid leukemia, etc.
methods over the years to ensure that they       written by prominent practitioners in that      Within your transplant folder, you might
are informed about the most recent events        area. From recommendations for treating         create folders on different preparative
in their areas of practice, and each precep-     relapsed multiple myeloma to comparing          regimens, the role of transplant in multiple
tor undoubtedly has different methods            tyrosine kinase inhibitors in chronic           myeloma or Hodgkin lymphoma, and graft
and resources to achieve this. They have         myeloid leukemia to discussing respiratory      versus host disease (GVHD), with import-
established a good system for focusing on        viral infections in transplant, these articles  ant trials saved in each of these subfolders.
the key concepts, while also weeding out         are useful reviews that incorporate both        Whenever your preceptors e-mail you
unnecessary ancillary information. Learn         evidence-based medicine and consider-           pertinent articles, they may highlight key
from your preceptors, and then tailor their      ations for clinical practice when there are     concepts in the body of the e-mail that you
advice to best suit your needs.                  limited data available to guide you.            should be aware of and pay attention to,
                                                                                                 such as how the trials impacted practice,
    Preceptors are helpful in pointing you           In addition to the e-table of contents      considerations about the patient popula-
in the right direction in terms of resources     and alerts from these journals, listservs       tions, and limitations of the trials. It’s a
you should utilize. For example, you can         also are a great resource for keeping           good idea to save this correspondence, too,
sign up to receive e-mails about the table       yourself in the loop! The HOPA listserv and     whether by saving it in a Word document
of contents from the most recent issues of                                                       or forwarding it to another e-mail address.
high-impact journals such as the New En-
gland Journal of Medicine and the American
Society of Clinical Oncology’s Journal of
Clinical Oncology. Create a free account on

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