Page 8 - Volume13_Issue3
P. 8


Cytokine Release Syndrome in Patients Receiving Blinatumomab or
Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

                     Craig W. Freyer, PharmD       events (AEs) not observed with cytotoxic       intensity correlates with disease burden
                     BCOP                          chemotherapy. Both blinatumomab and            (i.e., marrow blast count); as such, various
                     Clinical Pharmacy Specialist  CAR T cells can cause cytokine release syn-    attempts to reduce CRS have emerged
                     Hematology/Oncology           drome (CRS), a potentially life-threatening    throughout clinical trial experience with
                     Hospital of the University    inflammatory AE that pharmacists must be       blinatumomab, including dexamethasone
                     of Pennsylvania               familiar with to optimize supportive care      pretreatment and administration of leuko-
                     Philadelphia, PA              and maximize patient outcomes with these       reducing chemotherapy.6,7 The FDA-approved
                                                   new immunotherapies.                           labeling for blinatumomab requires two
Mitchell E. Hughes, PharmD BCPS                                                                   interventions to reduce CRS: a step-wise
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist                           CRS following blinatumomab or CAR T        dosing approach of 9 mcg/day on days
Hematology/Oncology                                cells is characterized by symptoms of ex-      1–7 followed by 28 mcg/day on days
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania         cessive inflammation secondary to release      8–28 of cycle 1, as well as dexamethasone
Philadelphia, PA                                   of numerous pro-inflammatory cytokines         pretreatment. Dexamethasone 20 mg IV is
                                                   following T-cell activation and expansion.     administered 1 hour prior to starting the
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration              The implicated cytokines include IL-10,        cycle 1 day 1 infusion, as well as with the
(FDA) approval of blinatumomab (Blincy-            IL-6, IL-2, IFN-γ, and TNF-α, yet the          day 8 dose escalation during cycle 1, prior
to®) in December 2014 marked the arrival           magnitude of elevation shows significant       to day 1 starts for subsequent cycles, and
of immunotherapy for relapsed/refractory           interpatient variability.5 Severe febrile      anytime the infusion is interrupted for 4
B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (RR            episodes (often > 40 °C) are common,           hours or more. Pharmacists are instrumen-
B-ALL). Since then, other immunotherapy            presenting a challenge to delineate CRS        tal in limiting the risk of CRS by ensuring
strategies have emerged, particularly the          versus infection. Patients may also experi-    appropriate dexamethasone premedication
development of chimeric antigen receptor           ence myalgia, headaches, gastrointestinal      and providing nursing education to never
(CAR) T-cell clinical trials at some U.S.          distress, and fatigue. More severe sequelae    flush the line containing blinatumomab,
cancer centers. Blinatumomab is a bispe-           include respiratory failure, neurologic tox-   as this can increase risk of CRS by giving a
cific T-cell engager antibody fragment that        icity (e.g., delirium, tremor, and seizures),  sudden bolus of drug to the patient.1
binds CD19 on B cells and CD3 on T cells,          cardiovascular compromise, tumor lysis
forming an immunologic synapse resulting           syndrome, and disseminated intravascular           Treatment of CRS relies on toxicity
in B-cell lysis.1 CAR T cells are virally          coagulopathy. Using the FDA-approved           grading using the National Cancer
engineered autologous T cells expressing           dosing, blinatumomab has a reported CRS        Institute Common Terminology Criteria
a CD19 receptor that are capable of in vivo        incidence of 11% for all grades and occurs     for Adverse Events for CRS. Grade 1 CRS
expansion resulting in T-cell activation and       only during the first cycle of treatment       consists of symptoms that are not life
tumor lysis.2-4 Both of these CD19 targeted        (usually within week 1), with symptoms         threatening, such as fever and consti-
immunotherapies display impressive effica-         correlating with T-cell expansion. CRS         tutional symptoms, which require only
cy in RR B-ALL, yet present new challenges
in supportive care with unique adverse

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