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Other principles addressed in ASCO’s policy statement3 include

•	 Education for providers—Risk Evaluation and Mitigation                      some providers may have legitimate reasons to prescribe
   Strategies (REMS) have been in place for certain opioid                     high quantities of opioids in the course of their practice,
   medications for approximately 2 years. In May 2016, the                     particularly in certain subspecialties.
   U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel decided
   to broaden REMS programs to include immediate-release                    •	 Patient screening and assessment before and during
   opioids and require mandatory provider education. Devel-                    opioid treatment—ASCO does not endorse mandating
   opment of education related to REMS requirements falls to                   specific requirements after initial patient screening and
   the manufacturer of the medication. ASCO advocates for                      assessment. Specific practices should be left to the decision
   provider choice in materials used for education. It endorses                of the treating provider.
   the use of materials that are evidence based and geared
   toward improving outcomes related to overdoses.                          •	 Abuse-deterrent formulations—ASCO cautions that
                                                                               abuse-deterrent formulations may limit access for certain
•	 Education for patients—ASCO endorses healthcare                             patients, given the high cost associated with manufacturing
   providers as being best suited to provide education about                   and obtaining these products. It recommends consideration
   opioid therapy for patients. Education should be clear                      of both abuse-deterrent and nonabuse-deterrent formula-
   and comprehensive regarding benefits and risks of opioid                    tions for appropriate patients.
   therapy, with an emphasis placed on safe storage of medi-
   cations. Misunderstandings regarding cancer pain can lead                •	 Treatment for misuse, abuse, or addiction—ASCO offers
   to suboptimal pain control, so it is essential that education               full support of current efforts by Congress and the Adminis-
   for both providers and patients does occur to lead to better                tration to expand availability and coverage of medication-
   patient outcomes.                                                           assisted treatment (MAT) for individuals with an opioid-
                                                                               related disorder.
•	 Prescription limits—ASCO endorses existing exemptions
   for cancer patients in current regulations. It does not                  •	 Prescription “Take-Back” programs—ASCO advocates
   endorse placing limits on quantities prescribed to patients                 for increased access to collection sites for unwanted or
   for cancer-related pain as they may limit access to needed                  unused opioid medications. It also endorses changes to the
   medication. If limits are put in place, ASCO advocates for                  Controlled Substances Act that would allow pharmacies to
   alternative means by which patients may be able to obtain                   accept returned opioids and other controlled substances.
   additional medication, if needed.
                                                                            •	 Wider availability of naloxone—ASCO supports increased
•	 PDMPs—ASCO recognizes the benefits of PDMPs but also                        access to naloxone as a lifesaving medication for patients
   advocates for increased streamlining of the systems, ease                   at risk of opioid overdose. It specifically comments on the
   of use, and real-time reporting. ASCO also advises caution                  need for caregiver education so caregivers can properly
   with interpretation of data collected from PDMPs, given that                administer the medication and distinguish opioid overdose
                                                                               from symptoms of advancing disease.

REFERENCES                                                                  4.	 Glare PA, Davies PS, Finlay E, et al. Pain in Cancer Survivors. J Clin
                                                                                   Oncol. 2014;32(16):1739-47.
1.	 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Increases in Drug and
       Opioid Overdose Deaths—United States, 2000-2014. MMWR. 2015;64:1-5.  5.	 NCCN. Adult Cancer Pain. Practice Guidelines in Oncology. 2016 Nation-
                                                                                   al Comprehensive Cancer Network. Version 2.2016.
2.	 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Demographic and Sub-
       stance Use Trends Among Heroin Users—United States, 2002-2013.       6.	 HOPA Pain Management Issue Brief.
       MMWR. 2015;64(26):719-25.                                                   Policy/2016/HOPA_Pain_Managment_Issue_Brief.pdf. Published August 22,
                                                                                   2014. Accessed June 27, 2016.
3.	 ASCO Policy Statement on Opioid Therapy: Protecting Access to
       Treatment for Cancer-Related Pain.
       Policy%20Statement%20on%20Opioid%20Therapy.pdf. Published May
       2016. Accessed June 25, 2016.

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