Page 4 - Volume13_Issue3
P. 4

FEATURE (continued)

fast-track cancer research efforts and eliminate blockades to prog-            Additional ways to get involved can
ress by promoting data sharing and facilitating collaborations to              be found at
advance cancer prevention, treatment, and care. No one individual              cancermoonshot.
can do this on his or her own. Information and progress must be
shared to achieve the goal of reaching a decade of progress in only            •	 Share your story with the Vice President.
5 years. During this speech he introduced a new project called the
Genomic Data Commons (GDC), which is a public database for clin-               •	 Make a commitment to help.
ical genomic data administered by the National Cancer Institute
(NCI) to facilitate sharing among cancer researchers.6                         •	 Share your Moonshot ideas.

    Vice President Biden’s complete speech can be viewed on ASCO               •	 Be a part of the National Cancer
on demand at                                                           Moonshot Summit.

    Pharmacists have the potential to be involved in the Cancer
Moonshot Initiative through many different avenues. HOPA
President Sarah Scarpace Peters attended the Cancer Moonshot
Summit on June 29 in Washington, DC, which was assembled by
the Vice President. HOPA members were encouraged to watch
the live broadcast as well as post comments on the HOPA Central
discussion board.

REFERENCES                                                                     4. 	 Cancer MoonShot 2020. 2016 National Immunotherapy Coalition. http://
                                                                             Accessed June 16, 2016.
1.	 The White House Office of the Press Secretary. FACT SHEET: Investing
       in the National Cancer Moonshot.        5.	 Vice President Joe Biden’s Moonshot Address. American Society of Clin-
       press-office/2016/02/01/fact-sheet-investing-national-cancer-moonshot.         ical Oncology (ASCO).
       Published February 1, 2016. Accessed June 16, 2016.                            presentation/biden-info?et_cid=37900654&et_rid=1074134060&linkid=as-
                                                                             Accessed June 16, 2016.
2.	 Melanie Garunay, The White House Blog. The first meeting of the Cancer
       Moonshot Task Force.        6.	 Nelson, R. Cancer moonshot: we have liftoff. Medscape Oncology. http://
       first-meeting-cancer-moonshot-task-force. Published February 1, 2016. June 24, 2016. Accessed
       Accessed June 16, 2016.                                                        June 27, 2016.

3.	 The White House Office of the Press Secretary. Memorandum—White
       House Cancer Moonshot Task Force.
       task-force. Published January 28, 2016. Accessed June 16, 2016.

                      2017 TRAVEL GRANT

                            TO THE HOPA ANNUAL CONFERENCE

                                             •	 Sixty grants are awarded.
                                             •	 Each grant is for $600.
                                             •	 Grant offsets costs of travel, lodging, or registration expenses.

                                       Look for more information and how to apply at
                                       The Call for Applications will begin when Annual Conference
                                       registration opens.

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