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by a physician, a nurse will compound the prescribed treatment,                 Global Health Scholars Program and my experience in Namibia
including cytotoxic agents, on the countertop in the clinic. The role           have taught me this distinction for impactful global health care.
of the pharmacist is to dispense supportive care medications at
the outpatient pharmacy. Because of workflow issues and limited                     Global health issues should be a topic covered in the education
personnel, the pharmacist compounds chemotherapy agents in the                  of future pharmacists around the world. Through global collabora-
laminar flow hood for pediatric patients only. All of the healthcare            tion, information and ideas can be shared to expand the profession
staff understands the safety risk of not using the hood, but with               of pharmacy locally and internationally. We also should be open to
the current workflow, there is a lack of appropriate training and               practices we might learn through these collaborations. Pharmacists
staffing. It was encouraging to know the lead physician and nurse
recognize the value of pharmacy and want the pharmacist to                      Not only has this been a life-changing
have greater involvement. With my review of current workflow                    experience for me personally and
in both the pharmacy and oncology clinic, I made suggestions for                professionally, but it also has confirmed
the development of an oncology rotation with the goals of having                my passion for providing health care on a
pharmacists round on the wards, help develop workflow models to                 global level.”
integrate pharmacy, and improve the education of pharmacists in
oncology. I gave didactic lectures on oncology and led small-group              can look for institutions or organizations with global health pro-
case discussions for current students. Although one of the major                grams established like UCSF, join organizations like the Interna-
barriers to implementing this rotation is having the resources to               tional Pharmaceutical Federation, or find nonprofit organizations.
provide a dedicated oncology pharmacist, I hope the small contri-               I am hopeful pharmacy involvement on a global level will expand,
bution I made will make a lasting difference for future pharmacists             especially in the field of oncology, as there is a growing need. I hope
in Namibia.                                                                     I will be able to continue to be involved in global health, especially
                                                                                at UNAMSOP, throughout my career, and I am grateful for this
    Not only has this been a life-changing experience for me per-               wonderful opportunity.
sonally and professionally, but it also has confirmed my passion for
providing health care on a global level. I learned that volunteering                Special thanks to Timothy Rennie, PhD MPharm; Dan Kibuule,
in medical missions or donating supplies may help address an im-                MSc BPharm; Mwagana Mubita, MSc BPharm; Tina Brock, EdD MS
mediate problem, but it does not create a stable system that gives              BSPharm; Mimi Lo, PharmD; and Lauren Jonkman, PharmD MPH.
low- and lower-middle-income countries the ability to provide for
themselves. What I love about UNAMSOP is that the institution                   4.	 Brock T, Wuliji T, Sagwa E, Mabirizi D. Technical Report: Exploring the
hired a group of individuals who understand the importance of                          establishment of a pharmacy course at the University of Namibia, March
training Namibian pharmacists and is passionate about promoting                        12–27, 2009. Submitted to the U.S. Agency for International Development
and creating a sustainable profession of pharmacy. This should                         by the Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems (SPS) Program. Arlington,
be the ultimate goal of global health initiatives, and I am glad the                   VA: Management Sciences for Health. 2009.

REFERENCES                                                                      5.	 Census Projected Population. Accessed June 16,
1.	 Global Burden of Disease Conrol Collaboration. Fizmaurice C, Dicker D,
       et al. The global burden of cancer 2013. JAMA Oncol. 2015;1(4):505-527.  6.	 Namibian Cancer Registry. African Cancer Registry network. http://afcrn.
                                                                                       org/membership/membership-list/125-ncr. Accessed June 16, 2016.
2.	 International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP). Global Pharmacy Work-
       force Intelligence: Trends Report 2015. The Hague: International Phar-
       maceutical Federation; 2015.

3.	 UCSF Global Health Clinical Scholars Program.

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