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Figure 1: Process for Decision Making in the Management of Drug Product Shortages  shortage takes effect is known. Alternative prescribing practices
                                                                                   and temporary guidelines must be clearly outlined and passed
to the operational assessment, practitioners must evaluate the                     along to the multidisciplinary team.
broad patient population and individual patients affected by the
shortage as well as possible therapeutic alternatives.2                                One recent shortage—bleomycin—has left practitioners scram-
                                                                                   bling for options and provides a real-world example of the ASHP
    Once both of these areas have been reviewed, the true impact                   decision-making process. Assessment of the situation reveals that
on patient care can be assessed, and a plan can be created and                     the bleomycin shortage is a result of manufacturing issues.4 Of
implemented.2 This plan may involve stratification of patients by                  three manufacturers, one has stopped making bleomycin complete-
curative versus palliative intent or other factors as well as identi-              ly, one has the product on back order because of a shortage of the
fication of appropriate alternative therapies. All of this must be                 active ingredient, and the third is on shortage due to increased
operationalized for the individual institution (i.e., changes to order             demand and has placed the product on allocation. Anticipated
sets and compounding guidelines).                                                  resolution dates are September 2016 for one active manufacturer
                                                                                   and the second quarter of 2017 for the other.4
    One key factor is communication with all involved parties.
Communication to physicians, nurses, pharmacists, pharmacy                             Two major populations affected include testicular cancer and
assistants, and purchasing agents should begin when the date the                   Hodgkin lymphoma patients. If clinicians cannot obtain enough
                                                                                   bleomycin for all patients from usual suppliers or through alloca-
                                                                                   tion for specific patients, they will be forced to find a plan B. This
                                                                                   leaves pharmacists and other providers to decide when it is appro-
                                                                                   priate to switch regimens entirely—such as choosing EP instead of
                                                                                   BEP for testicular cancer patients. If this is not possible, stratifying
                                                                                   patients—either by age, therapy intent, or other factors—has
                                                                                   become necessary.

                                                                                       Alternatively, clinicians look to any available literature to
                                                                                   guide treatment. In the case of bleomycin for Hodgkin lymphoma
                                                                                   patients, several centers report using information from the RATHL
                                                                                   study—presented by Johnson and colleagues at the 2015 13th
                                                                                   International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma—to omit
                                                                                   bleomycin after 2 cycles of ABVD if adequate response is seen on
                                                                                   PET scans. Others are substituting brentuximab for bleomycin in
                                                                                   ABVD. Two trials were presented at the same conference in 2015
                                                                                   that added brentuximab to AVD (one was sequential in elderly
                                                                                   patients and one included brentuximab plus AVD with or without
                                                                                   radiation). A phase 1 study that compared ABVD plus brentuximab
                                                                                   or AVD plus brentuximab also was published in Lancet Oncology.5
                                                                                   Though it was a small trial (51 patients), complete response rates
                                                                                   in each arm were statistically equal (95% for ABVD group and
                                                                                   96% for AVD; 95% confidence interval 77.2–99.9 and 79.7–99.9,

                                                                                       Regardless of the agent, strategies employed during this
                                                                                   particular challenge can be translated to the larger problem of drug
                                                                                   shortages. The management of drug shortages will continue to
                                                                                   challenge oncology pharmacists on a daily basis. Implementing a
                                                                                   drug shortage management strategy and ensuring communication
                                                                                   to all affected individuals will help in effectively managing such

REFERENCES                                                                         4.	 ASHP Drug Shortages Resource Center
                                                                                          ages.aspx Accessed June 30, 2016.
1.	 Fox ER, Sweet BV, Jensen V. Drug shortages: a complex health care crisis.
       Mayo Clin Proc. 2014;89(3):361-373.                                         5.	 Younes A, Connors JM, Park SI, et al. Brentuximab vedotin combined
                                                                                          with ABVD or AVD for patients with newly diagnosed Hodgkin’s
2.	 ASHP Expert Panel on Drug Product Shortages, Fox ER, Birt A, James                    lymphoma: a phase 1, open-label, dose-escalation study. Lancet Oncol.
       KB, Kokko H, Salverson, S, Soflin DL. ASHP guidelines on managing drug             2013;14(13):1348-1356.
       product shortages in hospitals and health systems. Am J Health Syst
       Pharm. 2009;66(15):1399-1406.

3.	 Contrasting the FDA (CDER) and ASHP drug shortage websites: what
       are the differences?
       FDA-versus-ASHP.pdf Accessed June 25, 2016.

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