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HOPA 12th Annual Meeting Poster Award Winners

                     Morgan Belling, PharmD         well-tolerated, the U.S. Food and Drug         assessed included receiving chemotherapy
                     PGY-2 Oncology                 Administration-approved labeling includes      within the past 12 months, the treatment
                     Pharmacy Resident              a black-box warning for serious infusion       of the initial malignancy, single-agent
                     WVU Medicine                   reactions (IR). Clinical trials have reported  chemotherapy, underlying respiratory
                     Morgantown, WV                 a 15%–20% incidence for all grades of          disease, history of allergies, use of
                                                    IR, and a 3%–5% incidence for grade 3/4.       nonsedating allergy medication, and mean
                     Lisa M. Cordes, PharmD         Retrospective studies have demonstrated a      absolute neutrophil, lymphocyte, and
                     BCOP BCACP                     higher incidence of all grade IR and grade     eosinophil counts. Various combinations
                     Oncology Clinical Pharmacy     3/4 IR in areas of the southeastern United     of premedications given prior to the initial
                     Specialist                     States as well as Kansas and Missouri. Lim-    IR also were assessed, and no statistical
                     National Institutes of Health  ited data are available regarding cetuximab    difference in the incidence of an initial IR
                     Bethesda, MD                   rechallenge after an initial IR, and patients  was observed. Among patients who experi-
                                                    who experience an IR may be excluded           enced an initial IR, none had a grade 1 IR,
   Featured in this article are excerpts            from potentially beneficial therapy with       87.9% had a grade 2 IR, 9.1% had a grade
   from Dr. Burke’s and Dr. Folan’s                 cetuximab if the medication is discontin-      3 IR, and 3% had a grade 4 IR. Approxi-
   research posters. Their posters, as              ued. Patients at UKH are rechallenged on       mately 88% of patients who experienced
   well as those submitted by other                 the same day as an initial IR using a slower   an initial IR were rechallenged, and all but
   residents and students, may be found             infusion rate and administering additional     one patient completed the rechallenge
   on the HOPA website by selecting the             premedications to help prevent an IR           dose. Of those who were rechallenged, the
   “Education and Conference” tab, then             secondary to the rechallenge dose.             majority (approximately 38%) received the
   “Conference Archives.” Please note                                                              rechallenge dose between 30–59 minutes
   that access to these electronic posters              The primary objective of Dr. Burke’s       after the initial dose.
   is limited to registered attendees of            study was to determine the incidence, IR
   the HOPA Annual Conference.                      grade, timing, and completion of a rechal-         This study found incidences of all
                                                    lenge dose in patients who experienced an      grades of IR similar to those reported
The HOPA Annual Conference consistently             initial cetuximab IR. Secondary objectives     in clinical trials. However, this study
offers educational sessions to encourage            included determining the incidence and         demonstrated a much higher incidence of
sharing information and ideas among                 IR grade that occurred with the adminis-       initial IR of grade 3/4 than that reported
attendees, and the 12th Annual Meeting              tration of the first dose of cetuximab and     in clinical trials (12.1% versus 3%–5%).
was in keeping with this tradition. One of          identifying specific risk factors to further   Dr. Burke’s study demonstrated that the
the best opportunities for students,                characterize patients who experienced an       majority of patients were able to be quickly
residents, and practitioners to disseminate         initial cetuximab IR. This retrospective,      and successfully rechallenged after an
and discuss research is through the poster          single-center study included patients with     initial IR, which demonstrates that the
presentation sessions. The research                 squamous cell carcinoma of the head and        institution’s current practice of same-day
projects presented at the annual confer-            neck who were treated with cetuximab           rechallenge is feasible and safe. Additional
ence are assessed by a committee of HOPA            as monotherapy or in combination with          plans for this research include extending
members, and particularly impactful                 chemotherapy between June 2008 and             the study period to evaluate more patients.
projects are recognized with awards in the          September 2015 at UKH or Westwood
categories of clinical/translational research       Cancer Center. Patients were excluded if           Dr. Folan’s research, “Clinical Outcomes
or practice management. This year’s award           they had previous exposure to cetuximab        Associated with Linezolid-Resistant
winners were Dr. Ellen Burke, PGY-2                 or received cetuximab outside of the UKH       S. epidermidis Bloodstream Isolates in
oncology pharmacy resident at the                   health system. IR were graded using the        Leukemia Patients Empirically Treated
University of Kansas Hospital (UKH), and            Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse        with Linezolid,” was recognized with a
Dr. Stephanie Folan, PGY-2 oncology                 Events (CTCAE v4.03).                          Clinical/Translational Research Award.
pharmacy resident at the University of                                                             Staphyloccocus epidermidis is a common
Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.                        Patients were categorized as either not    isolate in bloodstream infections among
                                                    experiencing an IR (NR = 132) or expe-         patients with hematologic malignancies.
    Dr. Burke was recognized for her re-            riencing an IR (n = 33). Baseline patient      At the University of Texas MD Anderson
search in the area of practice management           characteristics of the two groups were         Cancer Center, linezolid is used as empiric
focusing on “Assessment of Cetuximab-               similar. There was no statistically signif-    therapy in 85% of leukemia patients with
Induced Infusion Reactions and Adminis-             icant association between any of the pa-       febrile neutropenia. However, an estimated
tration Re-Challenge at an Academic Medi-           tient-specific risk factors evaluated and the  one-third of S. epidermidis bloodstream
cal Center.” Although cetuximab is typically        development of an initial IR. Risk factors     isolates in patients with leukemia at MD

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