Page 23 - Volume13_Issue3
P. 23


  HOPA has earned greater recognition
 from external groups and an increasing
number of invitations to “sit at the table”
on the national practice and policy stage.

    Also in June, HOPA was among a             and opportunity for improvement with the      Biosimilar Summit, the Drinker-Biddle
select group of 350 invited to attend Vice     product label of oncology drugs.              Client Advocacy Summit, and ISMP
President Joe Biden’s Cancer Moonshot                                                        collaboration, among others. These efforts
Summit in Washington, DC. HOPA’s health            Finally, one very important table that    are layered on top of our already excellent
policy advisor, Jeremy Scott from District     HOPA has sought a chair at has been           continuing education programs, three live
Policy Group, and I went on HOPA’s             granted. Since the spring of 2014, at the     conferences, our inaugural offering of the
behalf and attended four separate small        suggestion of then-secretary Daisy Yang,      BCOP Recertification Program, advocacy
group sessions with White House staff to       the president and executive director of       on our health policy agenda, continued
recommend ways in which the nation could       HOPA have attended the quarterly meet-        work refining a new committee structure,
“cure cancer once and for all” and specif-     ings of the Joint Commission of Pharmacy      and research agenda. As a member since
ically explain how oncology pharmacists        Practitioners (JCPP) as guests with the       2005, it is so impressive to see our organi-
support patients with cancer as a chronic      intention of requesting membership in the     zation grow from a residency conference to
disease. In addition to offering ideas to the  JCPP. When we first began, JCPP was in        a premier resource for oncology pharmacy
Vice President, we networked with many         the process of re-evaluating its member-      education, and now layering on a more
other nonprofit and for-profit companies       ship structure and later had some hesitan-    sophisticated advocacy agenda. HOPA has
and have been contacted by some for            cy about the role of specialty organizations  earned greater recognition from external
additional collaborations in follow-up to      within the JCPP. On August 2, Suzanne         groups and an increasing number of invi-
the Moonshot Summit. In fact, HOPA             Simons and I presented our case to the        tations to “sit at the table” on the national
was invited to participate in a conference     JCPP CEOs and the full JCPP audience; at      practice and policy stage. It is well-de-
co-chaired by ASCO and Discern Health on       the conclusion of that meeting, we received   served recognition that demonstrates the
defining value and value-based metrics in      a verbal “you’re in” from the JCPP chair.     evolving maturity of our organization and
cancer care.                                   We expect to hear more details formally       particularly the expertise of our members
                                               after the next meeting of the JCPP on         and dedication to cancer patients. Kudos
    Several HOPA members and I presented       November 29, as the group continues to        to you!
at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration       define its new membership structure.
(FDA) on August 22 at the invitation of
the Office of Hematology and Oncology              There are several other ongoing col-
Products. The FDA is interested in the         laborations that we are involved in or will
perspectives of oncology pharmacists in        have future representation in—the ASHP/
different practice settings on the utility     HOPA pharmacy technician standard, the
                                               National Comprehensive Cancer Network

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